52N Days 2020
This year’s retreat takes place in Papenburg! 52°North staff meets to discuss and define road maps and strategies for 2020.
Our offices woll be closed for the duration. If you want to contact us, please do so via email.
This year’s retreat takes place in Papenburg! 52°North staff meets to discuss and define road maps and strategies for 2020.
Our offices woll be closed for the duration. If you want to contact us, please do so via email.
Restored and stabilized functionality in ILWIS 3.8.6
The ILWIS team announces a new version of the modular PC-based GIS & Remote Sensing software ILWIS. ILWIS 3 integrates image, vector and thematic data processing functionalities in one unique and powerful desktop package.
ILWIS 3.8.6 was released on January 22, 2020 and provides some new functionality. More importantly, it restores pre version 3.8. functionality that wasn’t included when the map-rendering system was rewritten to use OpenGL. The Segment Map Editor, the MapView and the Georeference Tiepoints, among others, now work again. In addition, there is improved stability in a large number of functions that were added between ILWIS 3.7 and ILWIS 3.8.5.
See the changelog for details.
52°North invites abstract submissions for two EGU 2020 Sessions
The EGU 2020 General Assembly provides a forum for scientists, especially early career researchers, to present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience. 52°North convenes two sessions and invites abstract submissions for both.
1. The EGU 2020 Session “Integration and Interoperability of Environmental Data Sets for Spatial Data Analytics” addresses demands on analytics concerning heterogeneous data sets across the globe to address global challenges.
2 The EGU 2020 Session “Event-driven Concepts for Enhancing Research Data & Processing Infrastructures” aims to collect use cases of push-based data delivery flows, implementations, lessons learned, experience with emerging technologies enabling pub-sub patterns and more.
Abstract submission deadline is January 15, 2020. Submit now!
52°North’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Board welcomes newest member Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Janowicz from the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.
Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Janowicz is a full professor for Geographic Information Science and Geoinformatics at the Geography Department and Co-director of the Center for Spatial Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA . He also chairs the Semantics Community at 52°North. His fields of research include the Geospatial Semantic Web, Linked Data and Ontologies, Geographic Information Retrieval, Location-based Social Media, Spatial Data Science, Social Sensing and Web Science. He also addresses reasoning about similarity, analogy, and context. In a nutshell, he investigates the role of space and time for knowledge representation and organization.
52°North is pleased to have him join and is convinced that 52°North would significantly benefit both from his scientific expertise and network – particularly in the field of Data Science.