Software for modeling and statistical analysis of geospatial and spatio-temporal data
For sharing analytical tools among different users in a standardized way, we build on the Geoprocessing Lab‘s tools and experience. Geoanalytics often rely on data provided by the Sensor Web Infrastructure.
The key software tool in our projects is R, to which we contribute in terms of published packages.
52°North Software
- sensorweby: an R package combining the 52°North’s sensorweb client with Shiny to allow for an interactive map based data selection and analysis on the web
- spcopula: an R package that builds the packages sp, spacetime, copula and VineCopula to locally model spatio-temporal random fields with copulas
- : an object oriented implementation of the SOS standard in R to directly query data from a SOS
- sensorweb4R: a lightweight REST-based implementation of the SOS-REST binding to directly query data from a SOS
Community (relevant) Software
- sp, spacetime, gdal, rgeos and sf: to handle spatial and spatio-temporal data
- copula: a object oriented implementation of may copula families, with their densities, CDFs, partial derivatives, estimation functions and more.
- VineCopula: an implementation of the vine copulas along with estimation functions
- gstat: a geostatistical tool box for many kriging variants in space as well as in space and time
- trajectories: an R package to handle and analyse (marked) trajectories
- spatstat: toolbox to analyse spatial point patterns
- PostTIME – PostgreSQL extension for temporal dimension
- vardiag (maintained), a R package for interactive variogram diagnostics
- sciDB: an array data base with an open source community edition to store huge amounts amount of data in an array-like structure
And many more, see e.g.:
CRAN Task view “SpatioTemporal”
or follow the active discussions on R-sig-Geo
We offer training across the fields we research and and the tools we use. Get in touch to shape a personal program and format that suits your needs and budget.