Approximately 50 stakeholders from science, industry, and public authorities recently attended the EDC Forum 2017 in Muenster to discuss recent trends and ideas regarding Big Data Analytics in Geographic Information Systems.
Approximately 50 stakeholders from science, industry, and public authorities recently attended the EDC Forum 2017 in Muenster to discuss recent trends and ideas regarding Big Data Analytics in Geographic Information Systems.
Google Summer of Code Project uses Protocol Buffers to enable a faster exchange of spatial features over the net. Malith Withanage Don provides an update on his work on “Simple Features for protobuf and others”.
The EDC Forum 2017 “Big Data Analytics in Geographic Information Systems” addresses topics with a scientific and technological focus in the field of modeling, analyzing and visualizing spatio-temporal phenomena based on large datasets and large streams of data. It takes place September 21/22 – 2017 in Muenster, Germany.