STA Proxy for Esri Feature Service
Esri Feature Service as data source for the 52°North SensorThingsAPI
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon is building a new system for managing and provisioning data from a multitude of different research campaigns. To enable collaboration with associated research institutions, the OGC SensorThingsAPI (STA) will be used to supplement the existing interfaces and allow for standardized access to campaign data.
For this, 52°North developed two components:
- a Harvester to aggregate metadata from an Esri Feature Service into a local database and
- an Adapter to forward STA requests to a Feature Service.
Metadata is harvested periodically from a dedicated Feature Service and cached locally in a database, this allows for fast and efficient access by the STA. Observation data is not cached, but requests will be transparently forwarded to the specific feature service and transformed into the appropriate output schema on-the-fly.

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon GmbH, Germany