Risk, Uncertainty and Insurance under Climate Change
Visualization and implementation of web applications for the RUINS project
The Technische Universität Braunschweig and University of Freiburg commissioned 52°North as a subcontractor to support the BMBF funded research project RUINS (Risk, Uncertainty and Insurance under Climate Change. Coastal Land Management on the German North Sea). The RUINS project addresses risk and uncertainty under climate change. It includes the public and decision makers in different regions along the German North Sea coast. In order to support the communication with the public, the project designed and implemented web applications to better assess and communicate the associated risks.
52°North contributes experience with and knowledge about uncertainty modelling and visualization as well as implementation of web applications. This led to our prototypical implementation, which the RUINS consortium adopted and adapted. Furthermore, we set up a web application-based survey to assess the risk propensity of citizens in the study regions.

Universität Freiburg, Germany
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany