NRT Platform for Copernicus Sentinel Data
Near-real time processing concepts for Copernicus Sentinel-1 data
As a technical progression of SenSituMon project developments (page 36), the EOPORT project developed and tested innovative methods and technologies for generating near real-time (NRT) information products for large-scale monitoring of flood areas based on satellite and in situ sensor data. EOPORT partners, part of a bigger consortium led by Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT), should use the results to develop and market operational services in the context of the NRT Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite missions – in particular Sentinel-1 data.
Insurance companies depend on up-to-date information about the location, intensity and duration of floods for a quick response to flood-related damage events. This information is valuable for the assessment of flood risks. Thus, the resulting information products are generated to accommodate these companies’ requirements. The project carried out data analysis in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
52°North collaborated with con terra and EFTAS on the development and operation of the processing system on a dedicated tenant in the Open Telekom Cloud (OTC). This acts as a proof of concept for external EOPORT NRT platform users. We also realized a Kubernetes-based job execution concept to enable efficient processing of NRT Sentinel-1 data provided as small bursts. Our team was responsible for the sustainable and scalable operation of the different components (e.g., Kafka, Spark-based image processing).
Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT), Norway
Kongsberg Spacetec AS (KSPT), Norway
T-Systems, Germany
con terra GmbH, Germany
EFTAS, Germany