Digital Twin, BIM and Smart City
This year’s INTERGEO takes place from October 18 – 20, 2022 in Essen. The hybrid event provides a platform to discover solutions and products for the smart city, construction and planning processes, mobile mapping and many other geo-based topics. In addition, the conference addresses aspects of the Digital Twin and urban planning, climate change, sustainability and mobility. Sebastian Drost gives insight into improving water body monitoring using Copernicus satellite data.
Tuesday, October 18th
WaCoDiS: Potenzial von Copernicus-Satellitendaten für ein verbessertes Gewässermonitoring (Sebastian Drost)
Session 1.2.5 POSITIONALE II – Geodätische Sensorik für Nachhaltigkeitsanwendungen
Geodesy Prize Award for the zfv (3/2021) article “SenSituMon – Integration of Satellite and in-Situ Sensor Data to Improve the Automated, Large-Scale Monitoring of Floods” (Arne de Wall, Albert Remke, Bodo Bernsdorf, Thore Fechner, Alexandra Bicsan and Adrian Klink). The prize is awarded for the outstanding technical article and presented to the first author Arne de Wall on behalf of the team of authors.