Invitation – closed
The 52°North Open Innovation Network invites you to participate in the Geospatial Sensor Webs Conference 2016.
Under the motto “Geospatial Sensor Webs”, the 52°North Open Innovation Network aims to provide a forum in which sensor web researchers and practitioners can present and discuss their ideas, use cases and solutions. The forum will be an opportunity to discuss the state and future directions of Sensor Web standards and technologies based on experiences in a variety of application domains.
The program will offer pre-conference tutorials on Monday, August 29th. The conference will start with a keynote session on Tuesday, August 30th, followed by paper presentations and open sessions on various topics. Wednesday, August 31st is focused on the user requirements, needs, and plans concerning 52°North Sensor Web technology, i.e. this day continues the format of the previous annual 52°North Sensor Web workshops.
Contributions are invited for both the conference and the workshop day.
- The conference papers will be peer-reviewed. Submitted papers should have 2000 to 3000 words, written in English. All accepted papers will be published, presumably with CEUR-WS. We also have the option of a journal publication.
- Submissions to the workshop on Wednesday should provide a title and a brief abstract of about 50 words.
Templates for paper submission can be found here:
Conference Topics
Contributors are invited to submit papers on the following topics:
- Examples of Sensor Web Implementations/Applications
- Geospatial Web of Things
- Sensor Data Analysis
- Big Sensor Data
- Event Processing
- Sensor Data Visualization
- Architectures and Standards Development
- Quality of Observations and Measurements
- Low Cost Sensing Systems
- Data Flow from Sensors to the Web
- Semantic Sensor Web and Linked Data
- GIS and Sensor Web
Important Deadlines
Paper submissions: April 1, 2016 April 15, 2016
Notification of acceptance: May 15, 2016 June 17, 2016
Camera-ready: July 31, 2016
Conference: August 29 – 31, 2016