The 52°North Open Innovation Network announces an Invitation and Call for Presentations for the Geospatial Sensor Webs Conference 2017, which takes place from August 28 – 30, 2017 in Münster. Sensor Web researchers and practitioners are invited to present and discuss their ideas, use cases and solutions.
Positive feedback @ Shareholders Assembly 2017
52°North shareholders pleased with overall developments
Visual Exploration and Analysis of Sensor Web Data
Helgoland 1.0.0 now available
52°North is proud to announce the release of Helgoland 1.0.0 – a lightweight web application to explore, analyze and visualize a broad range of sensor data.more >
Best Practices for Open Ocean Fixed Observatories
52°North contributed expertise on Sensor Web technologies to the “Handbook of best practices for open fixed observations”. Partners of the FixO3 (Fixed-Point Open Ocean Observatory) Network Community collaborated by collecting, reviewing and compiling current best practices for carrying out operations at fixed-point observatories.