Meet our GSoC students and their projects!
52°North’s Google Summer of Code students have started their work.more >
52°North’s Google Summer of Code students have started their work.more >
Social media, platforms for publishing user generated web content, or even the Internet of Things with its easy to use technologies for environmental monitoring have facilitated the emergence of new forms of citizen engagement. Prof. Dr. Andreas Wytzisk outlines central developments and presents practical examples from disaster management and environmental monitoring.more >
Christoph Stasch et al. report on work done within the TaMIS Project. The recently published article “Coupling sensor observation services and web processing services for online geoprocessing in water dam monitoring” presents an approach for easy integration of geoprocessing components in the TaMIS dam monitoring system.more >
This year Google funds 1315 student projects for 201 open source organizations. 52°North is pleased to have received 2 slots for students.more >