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EGU 2019

Austria Center Vienna Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, Vienna, Austria

52°North presents a variety of topics at this year's conference

UIS 2019

con terra Martin-Luther-King-Weg 20, Münster, Germany

52°North presents event-controlled SDI for processing EO data

Eyes on Earth Roadshow – Darmstadt

EMETSAT Eumetsat Allee 1, Darmstadt, Germany

Matthes Rieke lectures on the integration of Sentinel data into event-driven processing workflows

AGILE 2019

52°North presents interoperable management of glider data and event-based technologies for Copernicus data

OGC API Hackathon

Benjamin Proß will test draft OpenAPI-based standards for processes.

OGC TC Meeting

Benjamin Proß discusses results of OGC API hackathon

Spatial Statistics 2019

Ben Gräler introduces copulas and talks about interpolating daily rainfall

Geospatial Sensing Conference 2019

Technologiehof, Münster Mendelstraße 11, Münster, Germany

New developments, emerging technologies and ongoing research activities in the field of geospatial sensing