R and Python clients for OGC SOS
Easing access to environmental time series data from an OGC Sensor Observation Service
sos4R is an extension of the R environment for statistical computing and visualization. The user can apply it to query data from standardized SOS instances (with specific consideration of the OGC SOS 2.0 Hydrology Profile) using simple R function calls. It provides a convenience layer for R users to integrate observation data from SOS servers compliant with the SOS standard, but without any knowledge about the underlying OGC Sensor Web Enablement standards.
The package sos4py follows the same idea in a python environment. Since sos4py is a relatively new development, it does not yet provide the same range of functionalities as sos4R does.

- Easier access to environmental time series data
- Automatic generation of SOS requests
- Result handling and parsing into standard R objects
- Convenience API: Data Science oriented functions to load data
Fields of Application
Hydrology, air quality, any other kind of processing of (in situ) observation data
GitHub: https://github.com/52north/sos4R, https://github.com/52North/sos4py