52°North redefines and strengthens its focus in a new company name
Münster, June 1, 2021 – 52°North is proud to announce a new company name: 52°North Spatial Information Research GmbH.
52°North redefines and strengthens its focus in a new company name
Münster, June 1, 2021 – 52°North is proud to announce a new company name: 52°North Spatial Information Research GmbH.
Virtual conference on geospatial sensing highlights importance of sensor data
52°North welcomed geospatial sensing researchers and practitioners to its first virtual event. From August 31st – September 2nd, approximately 60 participants from research, industry and public administration exchanged ideas about current developments for managing, publishing and visualizing sensor data. This year, a particular focus on data analysis emerged.
This event has been postponed indefinitely due to Corona Virus.
The Geonetzwerk Münsterland presents and discusses the topic of mobility on March 13, 2020 in Münster. The workshop focuses on current regional developments and the challenges involved, as well as approaches to processing geospatial data. 52°North presents work done in the CITRAM and PreASiSt projects.
Agenda (in German)
Begrüßung – Vertreter der Stadtverwaltung Münster sowie des Geonetzwerkes Münsterland (Herr Stefan Albers)
Heute nehme ich den Bus! – Automatisierte Datenaufbereitung von Fahrplandaten und Bereitstellung von Live Bus-Positionen und Routing Funktionen über Google maps – Herr Marc Döring (con terra GmbH)
enviroCar – Crowdsensing und Analyse von Verkehrsdaten – Prof. Dr. Albert Remke (52°North)
Die Öffentlichkeit mobilisieren – eine wirksame Planung! – Herr Freden (Straßen.NRW)
ÖPNV in Großstädten – wie GIS und OpenData Optimierungen schaffen können – Sidonia Ilie (Esri Deutschland GmbH)
Fachvortrag von der Stadt Münster – N. (Stadt Münster)
Prädiktive Analytik zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr – Dr. Benedikt Gräler (52°North)
This event is held in German.
52°North invites abstract submissions for two EGU 2020 Sessions
The EGU 2020 General Assembly provides a forum for scientists, especially early career researchers, to present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience. 52°North convenes two sessions and invites abstract submissions for both.
1. The EGU 2020 Session “Integration and Interoperability of Environmental Data Sets for Spatial Data Analytics” addresses demands on analytics concerning heterogeneous data sets across the globe to address global challenges.
2 The EGU 2020 Session “Event-driven Concepts for Enhancing Research Data & Processing Infrastructures” aims to collect use cases of push-based data delivery flows, implementations, lessons learned, experience with emerging technologies enabling pub-sub patterns and more.
Abstract submission deadline is January 15, 2020. Submit now!