52°North is happy to announce that we will mentor four contributors for Google Summer of Code 2023! The Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program that offers contributors stipends to write code for Open Source projects. This year, over 2,400 mentors and organization administrators reviewed 7,723 proposals – submitted by 43,765 applicants from 160 countries – and selected 967 GSoC contributors from 65 countries !
This year’s FOSSGIS conference takes place from March 15 – 18, 2023 in Berlin. 52°North returns as a sponsor, exhibitor and presenter!
Stay tuned for more information.
Thursday, March 16
10:00 KomMonitor – Kommunales Monitoring zur Raumentwicklung (Sebastian Drost)
Friday, March 17
9:00 GeoNode in Forschungsdateninfrastrukturen (Henning Bredel)