INSPIRE a digital Europe: Thinking out of the box
The INSPIRE Conference 2017 takes place from September 6 – 8, 2017 in Strasbourg, France. The pre-conference workshops take place from September 4 – 5, 2017 in Kehl, Germany. This year’s focus is “INSPIRE a digital Europe: Thinking out of the box”. 52°North experts particpate in workshops and give presentations about INSPIRE with Sensor Web technology and Geoprocessing functionality.
Monday, September 4
09:00 Integration of O&M data in the INSPIRE SDI – Benefits, challenges and prospects (Katharina Schleidt et al.)
Friday, September 8
INSPIRE thinking out of the box – Room: Madrid II
09:45 Enhancing INSPIRE Infrastructures with Data Processing Functionality (Christoph Stasch, Benjamin Pross and Simon Jirka)
Technologies and tools for Copernicus – Room: Madrid I
11:30 Sensor Web Technology: Interoperable Delivery of Copernicus In-Situ Observation Data (Simon Jirka)
Technologies and tools – Room: Amsterdam
15:00 NeXOS: INSPIRE Compliant Data Flows from Marine Observation Platforms into Spatial Data Infrastructures (Simon Jirka et al.)