EGU General Assembly 2021
This year, vEGU21 takes place from April 19 – 30, 2021. This virtual event brings together geoscientists from all over the world. It covers all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences, providing a forum for scientists, especially early career researchers, to present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.
52°North and partners present several topics ranging from machine learning to cloud-based Research Data Infrastructures.
Wednesday, April 28th
EGU21-9632 | vPICO presentations | ESSI3.7/GI2.10
13:45–13:47 Easing and promoting the application of ML and AI in earth system sciences – introducing the KI:STE platform (Thomas Seidler, Norbert Schultz, Dr. Markus Quade, Christian Autermann, Dr. Benedikt Gräler, and PD Dr. Markus Abel)
EGU21-14441 | vPICO presentations | ESSI3.7/GI2.10
13:55–13:57 Cloud-based Research Data Infrastructures Integrating In-Situ and Remote Sensing Data (
Wed, 28 Apr, )
Thursday, April 29th
EGU21-1136 | vPICO presentations | HS3.4/ESSI1.8/NP4.7
15:43–15:45 The Impact of Land Cover Data on Rainfall-Runoff Prediction Using an Entity-Aware-LSTM (Sebastian Drost, Fabian Netzel, Andreas Wytzisk-Ahrens, and Christoph Mudersbach)
Friday, April 30th
EGU21-211 | vPICO presentations | ITS4.4/AS4.1/CL5.2.8/ESSI1.1/NP4.4
14:10–14:12 KI:STE Project − AI Strategy for Earth System Data (Scarlet Stadtler, Julia Kowalski, Markus Abel, Ribana Roscher, Susanne Crewell, Benedikt Gräler, Stefan Kollet, and Martin Schultz)