Conducting KomMonitor training for municipalities
Making local government users fit for KomMonitor
52°North provided training to a number of municipalities and districts in 2023. The workshops, both online and on site, covered aspects regarding the use of KomMonitor:
- Use of KomMonitor for spatio-temporal analysis and urban monitoring
- Administration of KomMonitor and data import workflows
- Data access concepts and practical user management with Keycloak
- Basics in Docker and container-based KomMonitor deployment
The courses were aimed at a wide range of municipal professionals. Local government decision makers, social and urban planners, geodata managers, statisticians and IT experts attended the workshops and were prepared to use KomMonitor.
Städteregion Aachen, Germany
Stadt Remscheid, Germany
Kreis Viersen, Germany
Stadt Herne, Germany
Stadt Essen, Germany