Cloud and Big Data Services Engineering and Operations Support
EUMETSAT’s new user portal improves the workflow for discovering and consuming information and data provided by its satellites and services.
The project Cloud and Big Data Services Engineering and Operations support started in 2021 and aims to continue the established portfolio of data services featuring innovative data access and discovery capabilities at EUMETSAT. The operational version of the EUMETSAT Data Store – a scalable and extensible architecture for providing online access to EUMETSAT’s products – will be maintained and developed further. In addition to the Data Store, other components play an important role: e.g., a workflow engine to improve internal data processing pipelines and established services such as the Product Navigator. The consortium, led by CGI Deutschland, is also responsible for the maintenance and operation of the components. con terra and 52°North provide third-level support for specific architecture components.
52°North continued the development of EUMETSAT’s new User Portal in 2023 as part of the BDS Engineering and Operations Support Service. It defines a holistic approach to information and data discovery and replaces the Product Navigator (jointly developed by con terra and 52°North), the EOPortal, as well as the User Management System. After the first implementation phase in 2022, additional features focusing on content management and presentation as well as user management were designed and implemented. The User Portal system consists of Strapi as the central content management system and a user interface developed on top of Angular and Bootstrap.
In addition to the User Portal development, our team worked on operational and maintenance tasks, where the evolution of existing services such as the EUMETSAT Data Store played a central role.

CGI Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG, Germany
con terra GmbH, Germany