European Data Portal 2
Enhancing the European Data Portal
The European Data Portal is a core component of the European Union’s public sector data infrastructure. This portal offers discovery functionality for and access to public data resources across Europe. It currently comprises ca. one million datasets from 34 countries. Portal development itself is complemented by networking activities that support Member States in publishing datasets via the portal and promoting the use of open data.
The EDP 2 project improves the first EDP version. Its main challenges are the migration of the metadata storage to new linked data-based approaches and the integration of new types of data sources, such as near real-time data streams.
52°North cooperates with con terra to visualize geospatial data based on map.apps. We also tackle the integration of near-real time data sources in close cooperation with Fraunhofer FOKUS. In 2020, we supported a new iteration of the FIWARE Context Broker development that resulted in an updated Context Broker EDP Integration Module version. Our team investigated the availability of additional real-time data source types and extended the Geo-Visualization component. This includes an exemplary implementation to demonstrate easier integration of INSPIRE-compliant OGC SOS data sources into the EDP. In early 2021, the consortium was awarded a new 6-year contract to continue the EDP development.
Capgemini Invent, The Netherlands,
Sogeti, France,
Intrasoft International, Luxembourg,
Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany, /
con terra GmbH, Germany,
University of Southampton, United Kingdom,
Time.lex, Belgium,
Lisbon Council, Belgium,
European Commission
52°North is a con terra GmbH subcontractor