SensorThings API
Efficient access to sensor data via the OGC SensorThings API
The STA module complements the 52°North Sensor Web Server with support for the “OGC SensorThings API Version 1.1 Part 1: Sensing” specification. It provides support for the following Conformance Classes (tested for standard compliance):
- Sensing Core
- Create-Update-Delete
- Filtering Extension
- Observation Creation via MQTT
- Receiving Updates via MQTT.
Additionally the 52°North STA implementation provides various supplemental features for ease-of-use and added functionality.
52°North’s software development activities in 2022 focused on code base maintenance and performance optimizations. Additionally, we continued our work on the following challenges:
Citizen Science Extension: During work on the Cos4Cloud project in 2021, we identified a need for guidance on how to use the STA for Citizen Science data. This guideline was subsequently developed during 2022 and culminated in the publication of the “OGC Best Practice for using SensorThings API with Citizen Science” (OGC 21-086).
STA-as-Interface: The Hereon Project does not use the STA as a primary storage, but as a supplementary interface to the existing datastore. To enable this workflow, our team developed a harvesting module that extracts, transforms and loads all metadata from the existing ESRI Feature Service into a local cache. We accomodated measurement values by adapting the STA with a module to transparently proxy requests to the original API. This maximizes performance without needing to mirror all data into a dedicated STA datastore.

- Robust implementation making use of the broad 52°North experience with Sensor Web data models
- Easy integration into the 52°North Sensor Web Server (joint database layer)
- MQTT for data publication and delivery
- Interlinking between SOS, STA and Helgoland API (e.g., data publication via STA, data retrieval via SOS and Helgoland API)
Fields of Application
Hydrology, air quality (e-reporting), environmental monitoring, ocean sciences, tracking