Backbone for OGC Services, Clients and Middleware
Easing the development of OGC related services, clients and middleware
Arctic Sea is 52°North’s framework for developing OGC services, clients and middleware sharing concepts for encoding and decoding of different formats and encoding, workflows and configuration. This stack of projects eases the development of OGC related services, such as 52°North’s implementation of the OGC SOS and WPS, as well as clients and middleware. It compromises the following modules.
Iceland: Iceland is a service framework that enables the development of OGC RPC (remote procedure call) based services. It features bindings for KVP, POX, SOAP, as well as JSON-based bindings. Iceland facilitates the rapid development of modular services that use Faroe for easy configuration and Svalbard for request parsing and response generation.
Bjørnøya: Bjørnøya contains various classes for Quartz scheduling shared across Arctic Sea. These include configurations to define the execution of jobs.
Svalbard: Svalbard consists of various decoders and encoders for OGC models (e.g., SensorML, O&M and SWE Common), service interfaces (like SOS and WPS) and a framework for developing these. This enables the creation of decoupled and reusable encoders and decoders for various encodings (e.g., XML, JSON or NetCDF). The object models used are found in Shetland and shared across 52°North components.
Faroe: Faroe is a configuration API currently featuring a JSON and an SQLite backend. It enables the injection and automatic configuration of settings of various types in classes, including a Spring BeanPostprocessor.
Shetland: Shetland consists of classes for OGC models like SensorML, O&M and SWE Common and various service requests and responses. These are shared across different service implementations.
Jan Mayen: Jan Mayen contains various utility classes shared throughout Arctic Sea.

- The middleware component provides a robust layer to easily create web services compliant to OGC standards.
- The configuration API enables harmonized management of service properties
- Centralized XML encoding and decoding reduces boilerplate code and increases stabilit
Fields of Application
Building blocks for OGC Web Services, OGC clients, processing of OGC schema data formats (GML, O&M, SensorML, …)
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