Get acquainted with EUMETSAT’s Earth Observation product types and services via the EUMETSAT Product Navigator!
The new EUMETSAT Product Navigator (PN), jointly developed by con terra and 52°North, is the central entry point to access EUMETSAT’s Earth Observation product types and services. The landing page refers users to interesting highlights, product types or data.
Explore available products using a simple search bar (as known from common search engines) or an advanced (facet-based) search. The latter filters search results on the basis of criteria, such as satellite, sensor, data format, spatial / temporal extents or means for using and accessing the data. The PN follows a responsive design approach that allows usage across different devices including mobile phones and tablets.
Search results are sorted according to the requirements defined and provide the user with an overview of the most important properties, such as title, short description, preview photo, and the services to access the data. The advanced search includes, for example, a subscription to data, direct access within the EUMETSAT Data Centre, access via EUMETCast or a visual presentation of the data in the EUMETSAT Image Gallery. Additional information for a specific product is presented on a dedicated details page.
The description of the product type is based on ISO / INSPIRE compliant metadata, which are managed by a dedicated server component and indexed using Elasticsearch. The metadata management component enables the automatic registration of products in other portals, such as For standardized and interoperable access, the PN provides OGC (OpenSearch-EO, CSW AP ISO), INSPIRE and WMO/WIS interfaces.
Try out EUMETSAT’s new Product Navigator yourself: