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OGC TC Singapore

Benjamin Proß gives an update on the status of the WPS 2.0.

EGU 2019

Austria Center Vienna Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, Vienna, Austria

52°North presents a variety of topics at this year's conference

UIS 2019

con terra Martin-Luther-King-Weg 20, Münster, Germany

52°North presents event-controlled SDI for processing EO data

Eyes on Earth Roadshow – Darmstadt

EMETSAT Eumetsat Allee 1, Darmstadt, Germany

Matthes Rieke lectures on the integration of Sentinel data into event-driven processing workflows

AGILE 2019

52°North presents interoperable management of glider data and event-based technologies for Copernicus data

OGC API Hackathon

Benjamin Proß will test draft OpenAPI-based standards for processes.

OGC TC Meeting

Benjamin Proß discusses results of OGC API hackathon

Spatial Statistics 2019

Ben Gräler introduces copulas and talks about interpolating daily rainfall