52°North is pleased to announce that we will mentor three students for Google Summer of Code 2021! The Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program that offers students stipends to write code for Open Source projects. During their break from university, the students work on a programming project for 10 weeks (175 hours). This year, 199 mentoring organizations reviewed 6,991 applications—submitted by 4,795 students from 103 countries— and selected 1,292students from 69 countries.
52°North welcomes new management team
Dr. Benedikt Gräler, Dr. Simon Jirka and Matthes Rieke explore new horizons with 52°North.
Münster, May 11, 2021 – 52°North is pleased to announce a new management team! Long-standing team leaders – Dr. Benedikt Gräler, Dr. Simon Jirka and Matthes Rieke – form the new management trio. Former managing directors Prof. Dr. Albert Remke and Prof. Dr. Andreas Wytzisk-Arens continue to provide their expertise as senior advisors.
Since its establishment in 2006, the 52°North GmbH has evolved into an applied research company with a particular focus on spatial information technology. The new managing directors – Dr. Benedikt Gräler, Dr. Simon Jirka and Matthes Rieke – will advance, strengthen and sustain this evolution.
Dr. Benedikt Gräler, head of the Spatio-Temporal Data Science Lab, takes charge of the company’s research agenda. He provides strategic inputs for future professional services. Dr. Simon Jirka heads Solutions and Finance, managing professional services and internal processes. He also heads the Geospatial Sensing Lab. Efficient Processing Lab’s head Matthes Rieke develops 52°North’s technology strategy, supervises trend scouting and the development of innovative architectural concepts. He is responsible for establishing the technological foundation for professional services.
The new management team looks forward to continuing and intensifying existing partnerships and is excited to explore new opportunities. We thank Prof. Dr. Albert Remke and Prof. Dr. Andreas Wytzisk-Arens for their groundbreaking work and look forward to their continuing expertise, advice and support as senior advisors.
52°North begrüßt neues Führungsteam
Dr. Benedikt Gräler, Dr. Simon Jirka und Matthes Rieke erkunden mit 52°North neue Horizonte.
Münster, 11. Mai 2021 – 52°North freut sich, ein neues Führungsteam bekannt zu geben! Die langjährigen Teamleiter – Dr. Benedikt Gräler, Dr. Simon Jirka und Matthe Rieke – bilden das neue Führungstrio. Die bisherigen Geschäftsführer Prof. Dr. Albert Remke und Prof. Dr. Andreas Wytzisk-Arens stehen weiterhin beratend mit ihrer Expertise zur Verfügung.
Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 2006 hat sich die 52°North GmbH zu einer angewandten Forschungseinrichtung mit einem besonderen Schwerpunkt in der Geoinformatik entwickelt. Die neue Geschäftsführung – Dr. Benedikt Gräler, Dr. Simon Jirka und Matthes Rieke – wird diesen eingeschlagenen Weg fortführen und ausbauen.
Dr. Benedikt Gräler, Leiter des Spatio-Temporal Data Science Labs, übernimmt die Entwicklung der Forschungsagenda des Unternehmens. Er liefert strategische Inputs für zukünftige Dienstleistungsangebote. Dr. Simon Jirka leitet die Bereiche Lösungsentwicklung sowie Finanzen und steuert die internen Prozesse. Außerdem leitet er das Geospatial Sensing Lab. Matthes Rieke, Leiter des Efficient Processing Labs, entwickelt die Technologiestrategie von 52°North, betreut das Trendscouting und die Weiterentwicklung innovativer Architektur-Konzepte.
Das neue Management-Team freut sich darauf, bestehende Kooperationen fortzuführen und zu intensivieren und ist gespannt auf neue Partnerschaften. Wir danken Prof. Dr. Albert Remke und Prof. Dr. Andreas Wytzisk-Arens für ihre wertvolle Arbeit und freuen uns weiterhin auf ihre Expertise und Unterstützung.
Soil-X: Improving the value of soil data based on GAIA-X.
Consortium kick off to write project proposal
Together with SMEs and within the guardrails of GAIA-X, we will leverage existing infrastructures to provide data that has already been published in GAIA-X compliant data spaces. Our focus is on soil data e.g., LTE data and soil profile data. The data will be harmonized and made available in the Soil-X data space for additional use as interoperable services. This will result in increased exploitability and added value of the data.
We are a consortium of science (ZALF, Thünen-Institute, TH OWL, JKI) and SMEs (rasdaman GmbH, wetransform, 52°North GmbH, GISCON geo.engineering.gmbh) and cover with our respective capabilities and infrastructures the areas of data provision, data harmonization and utilization.
Mentoring Organization for Google Summer of Code 2021
52°North proud to be a Mentoring Organization for the 10th year in a row
We are so excited to have been selected to be one of 202 mentoring organizations for this year’s Google Summer of Code! The Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program that offers students stipends to write code for Open Source projects.
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