Joining forces with the Geo-IT community

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC ) is an international consortium of businesses, government agencies and research organizations creating open standards to support the provision and use of geospatial information. 52°North is an OGC member with the status of a non-profit research organization. We contribute to the standards development and consensus process as well as the OGC Innovation Program with its Testbeds, Pilots and Interoperability Experiments.

The Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE) promotes academic teaching and research on GIS in Europe and stimulates and supports networking activities between member laboratories. Furthermore, AGILE contributes to shaping the European GI research agenda. 52°North actively participates in the permanent scientific forum and contributes to the annual AGILE conferences.

The European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) is a non-profit association that fosters the Citizen Science movement in Europe. It performs research on Citizen Science and initiates and supports Citizen Science projects. 52°North contributes to the ECSA initiatives and hosts the enviroCar Citizen Science platform for road traffic analysis.

FOSSGIS e.V. is a German non-profit association that promotes open source software and open data. 52°North participates regularly in the annual FOSSGIS conferences to promote and discuss its open source software projects within the OS community.

Deutscher Dachverband für Geoinformation (DDGI) is the German national umbrella organization for institutions from the public and private sector as well as academia that have stakes in improving the availability and use of geospatial information. 52°North contributes to discussions and networking activities by participating in DDGI working groups and events.

The European Umbrella Organization for Geographic Information (EUROGI) supports and develops the use of applications and technologies related to geographic information at the European level. 52°North delegates Dr. Benedikt Gräler as DDGI representative to the Executive Committee to ensure that German interests are considered in strategic policy planning.
GDI DE (Geospatial Data Infrastructure Germany), GeoIT RT NRW (Geospatial Information Technologies Round Table North-Rhine Westphalia) and Geonetzwerk Münsterland (Geonetwork in the Münster Region) are associations on national, state and local levels that support the availability and use of geospatial information by stimulating the development of the spatial data infrastructure in their respective stakeholder communities. 52°North supports the goals of these associations and contributes to their activities by participating in expert groups and events. 52°North is a member of the GeoIT RT NRW and Geonetzwerk Münsterland steering committees.